
Maehle versus Gasperini: Something is wrong there

But there’s something wrong with the prosecution’s methods.

If the Lord Himself had revealed to me just 48 hours ago that I had defended Gian Piero Gasperini, I would have burst out laughing. And of all the ethical, philosophical, and religious upheavals that characterize an existence, that on the Gasp would surely hold pride of place. But of course things are not that simple. Firstly because Gasperini’s “Lord” has never spoken to me – it’s already the script for a film by Dario Argento – and secondly because, to be honest, I continue to have strong doubts about Gasperini’s (human and footballing) methods.

I still have that tingling in my stomach, that gastro-calcistic reflux that is due to certain behaviors, to an arrogance that is amplified by that loose and always well-combed hair that has been identical to itself for about fifteen years , I still don’t have the feeling he stands proud and feathered behind him in post-match interviews after the 3-0 win over Monza, nor do I welcome the constant complaints on and off the pitch that but always be addressed to the fieldwhich, if you will, is a little sad. Gasp is a football man, the problem is that he is – to paraphrase Mourinho – the coach of the DEA He only knows football.

In short, I haven’t changed my mind about Gasperini. And if it’s true that it gets worse over time, then good luck. That goes for him, it goes for me too, of course, and for those who think of him kindly every day on social media while outside, the summer goes by and the meaning of things fades. That is the case in a climate of this kind character gaps We’ve been talking about the Gasp for a few hours now. The case is known to everyone: Maehle on the retreat with Denmark He attacked, Damn if he had, his former coach, is now that the full-back is living happily ever after at Wolfsburg, but he didn’t seem to go mad at Atalanta. We leave the complete interview to Gossippari and confine ourselves here to reporting on the key passage:

“If we had a double training session, in the afternoon he would say we had to sleep in the center in the evening because he thought we had to. It’s a different management style than I was used to – you could define it a management based on fear. At Atalanta, the coach decided everything. There was no freedom and it was mentally tough.’

Those are tough words. So heavy they smell like drama. Something is wrong here. Look, I know there’s always a reason a player speaks, and it’s in that tone of voice. I also know that Gomez parted ways with Gasp and Demiral very much commented on Twitter: “You’ll get the facts soon. Wait for the interview,” quotes the GOAL website link to the Dane’s statements. I have heard, but I refuse to descend to this level of the Inquisition, that anyone has linked Ilicic’s depression to Gasperini’s working methods. Definitely Gasp, in management Human, it’s not Mourinho or Allegri. And Mahele himself adds in the interview: “in Bergamo I was one of manyWhile in Wolfsburg I feel part of the project and there is more humor in the dressing room» (we have no trouble believing it). Epperò Gasp has other qualities and these – with all due respect to Maehle, who is a footballer by trade – inevitably require tough and expensive working methods.

As it is read At Today, Gasperini “must be a football coach, not a social worker or every player’s personal confidant.” We can see that from the sensitivity of footballers and interviews post factum With no possible contradiction (that of Lukaku, for example, to name only the most sensational and recent), are you honestly tired? Can we understand that this is too easy? The complaint is fine, all right.

But where is the sanctity of the dressing room? What is the point of declaring certain things literally free of charge at the distance of time, kilometers and the ability to communicate? I’m not dealing specifically with Maehle, nor with Demiral – certainly the most idiotic of the company, because blowing it up on social media is a terrifying and inhumane practice. I resent this world where hate breeds confusion and criticism becomes whipped cream. I already know that Gasperini will not respond to the Danish or Turkish allegations. I also know why: He wants to concentrate on his work and doesn’t have time for certain things.

The point I think is as follows. When certain toxic statements surface, you need to know how to phrase them. Maehle is a footballer, he is not a kid who has a passion for football and has young talent. He gets paid to sweat, work hard, and maybe even have bad moments in the locker room. Damned if he gets paid to endure those moments. And I repeat: the problem is not even the complaint, but the method. As far as we know, Maehle has never played against Gasperini. Before today he had ever shown any signs of impatience with the Gasp’s training methods. Maehle spoke, I repeat, after a long time and from afar. It saddens me but doesn’t surprise me: this is football for footballers, not for men.

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