
France (of typhus) collapses

The death of a fan outside Nantes-Nice is just the latest in a series of episodes of unprecedented violence. But the government is also to blame.

It is a seemingly insoluble problem that concerns France at this historical moment. It is insoluble because it is harsh, blind in its violence and pathetic in the clumsy attempts that the government makes – more or less, almost only with words – to solve it: it is the violence in the stadiums (and outside of that). , but it is also in return that of the Violence tout court a country torn apart by multiculturalism. Which is, of course, a resource when directed towards the good of the nation. Even less so if it is a source of feelings of revenge for those who represent and exploit this multiculturalism to claim their own laws and customs.

At SoFootwas released on Tuesday editorial from the ever-observant Adrien Hemard-Dohain: The editorial reflects on the death of a fan outside Nantes-Nice last Saturday. “Even before the completion of the judicial investigation The Sports Minister has named the culprits: i bad fans. Privileged scapegoat of a state that has never done anything to understand them, football lovers are once again being put all in the same basket by a government that burdens them instead of looking in the mirror to recognize the shortcomings of its instruments. So much so that there is a measure on the table: banning fans from traveling once and for all. be a measure officially yesterdayat least for eight games between Ligue 1 and the national cup.

Before we continue, a quick reconstruction of the facts: Shortly before Saturday's game, near the Beaujoire stadium in Nantes, some Nice fans in NCC rental cars passed groups of local fans. The latter stormed the cars and in the ensuing brawl a Nantes fan was stabbed, but died during rescue operations.

Now it is clear that such facts cannot exist Direct responsibility of the state. But at least liveHemard-Dohain asks, certainly. In the paragraph entitled “The state abdicates responsibility,” the editorial writes SoFoot He writes: “Obviously what happened in Nantes is a tragedy […]. But the government seems ready to ignore it without batting an eyelid». “We have to stop fan trips for now. It is important to have time to return to a less violent situation. “It is not possible that the police are overloaded at this point, that properties are being destroyed, that buses are being pelted with stones, that there are people being injured, now a person is dead,” the sports minister continued France Inter.

Le MondeMeanwhile, he recalled the recent and somewhat too frequent similar incidents in France: “Just over a month after the incidents between OM and OL fans, tension continues to reign in the football season in Ligue 1. Almost two weeks ago Two Brest fans were slightly injured after their car was hit by bullets following victory in Montpellier. And earlier in the season, a game between Montpellier and Clermont-Ferrand was abandoned after a firecracker exploded near Clermont goalkeeper Mory Diaw.

Still, says Hemard-Dohain: “Again, It's the crowd it's targeting, not them root of the problem [ad essere affrontata]. In her speech, Amélie Oudéa-Castera did not say a word about the core of the Nantes problem: the fact that the prefectural decree was not respected (which in no way justifies the course of events, to be clear). This decree officially banned Nice fans from free movement in Beaujoire – and even more so in front of the bar at the club's headquarters. Loire Brigade – and expects them to meet at the Ancenis toll booth, accompanied by the police.

According to the editor of SoFootThe wave of violence that France (in football) is experiencing recently “shows that issuing prefectural decrees everywhere does not necessarily have much, if not any, purpose adding fuel to the fire between fans and authoritieswhere dialogue could bear fruit, as is the case every weekend in Germany.”

In fact, the fans are violent everywhere. It is the way they are addressed that makes the difference. By demonizing them (we know something about it, here in Italy), talking to them makes it even worse – we read above SoFoot – Things are improving. Even with them, even with the violent, dirty, ugly and bad stadium fans. “Only in France is there an attempt to solve the problem by hiding it under the carpet, through collective rather than individual sanctions, or through prefectural decrees that have so far been ubiquitous, or even, in the future, with a ban on leaving the country.”

The problem is deeper than it seems and actually concerns the democratic principles of which France has always been the protector nation in Europe: “These, it must be clear, would constitute an attack, despite the extreme gravity of the events in Nantes.” unprecedented obstacle to freedom of movement in France. Even if we can only regret the death of the Nantes fan, we should still unite such an extreme and liberticidal measure? Did we ban demonstrations in France after numerous yellow vests or environmental activists died during demonstrations? Have we closed the nightclubs after the frequent cases of drug trafficking? Wouldn't it be wiser to finally learn the lesson from France's repeated failures in fan management? After the Champions League final at the Stade de France, which highlighted years of incompetence and disinterest on the subject on the part of the authorities, no lessons have been learned by the state, which shirks its responsibilities by pointing the finger at fans ». Chapeau.

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